Senator Don DeWitte Seeks Entries for Veterans Day Display at State Capitol

Senate Assistant Minority Leader Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles) is inviting family members of veterans to submit entries to the Senate Republicans’ annual Veterans Day Display at the State Capitol. The annual display pays tribute to our state’s and nation’s servicemen and women with a video presentation and memorial wall in the Capitol rotunda. This year’s ‘Honoring Those Who Served’ Veterans Day Display will be available for visitors to the Capitol to see from November 10-28.

“Each year we honor our veterans with a moving display at the State Capitol,” said Sen. DeWitte. “I know we have many valued veterans who live or lived in the 33rd District, or are family members of people who live here, so I am hoping we have a strong showing of entries from Kane and McHenry Counties.”

Families that would like to participate should submit a photo and a written story that is no longer than 250 words, and include the veteran’s name, military branch (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard, or Navy) and any conflict served (Afghanistan, Iraq, September 11, Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea, WWI, WWII, Peacetime, other). Military photos are preferred, but not required.

Submissions should be emailed to no later than November 10, 2022, but late entries will be added to the display through November 28. Submissions can also be mailed to Veterans Day Wall, 108 Statehouse, Springfield, IL, 62706.

“This is just one small way we can show our appreciation and respect for those who answered the call to serve their country,” added Sen. DeWitte. “I’m looking forward to viewing this year’s display and slideshow.”

For additional information about this project, please contact Hannah at

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