DeWitte Delivers Over 150 Coats to Organizations Serving District 33 Families

Thanks to the ongoing generosity of those living in the 33rd Senate District, my annual fall coat drive was a tremendous success. On Friday, my team and I delivered over 150 coats to local organizations that help families in need. My staff and I noticed an uptick in the number of coat drives that were held across the region this year, so our 150 is just a portion of the total number of coats that will be put to good use this winter.
This year, coats were delivered to Kids in Need-McHenry County, Lazarus House in St. Charles, the Elgin Wayside Center, and the Salvation Army in St. Charles. All of these helpful organizations had expressed a need to provide coats to families in need, so I was glad to host this event to help replenish their supplies.
This is an annual event, so if you have coats to donate but did not have an opportunity to drop them off, please hold on to them. We will definitely take them next year!
IPASS on Demand Event on Oct 28. Marks Final Outreach Event of the Year for DeWitte

Thank you to everyone who came out to my document shredding event on Saturday at St. Charles North High School. These handy events are always very well attended. A special thank you goes out to KCT Credit Union for partnering on the event.
My final outreach event of the year takes place TODAY in Crystal Lake. Senator Craig Wilcox and I are partnering with a mobile team from the Illinois Tollway for another IPASS on Demand event.
IPASS on Demand
Monday, October 28
3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Algonquin Township Building
Meeting Room #1
3702 Northwest Highway (Route 14)
Crystal Lake
Officials from the Illinois Tollway will be on hand to help people transfer over to the new sticker technology and ensure people can make the switch without disruption to their IPASS account activity. Along with providing this service, the tollway officials can help people with questions they may have about their IPASS account and with ‘Pay by Plate’ issues.
Once activated, the sticker tag can be used on the Illinois tollway and on E-Z Pass roadways in other states within 24 hours of activation. There is no deposit required for the sticker and the $10 transponder deposit that was paid when a transponder was purchased will transfer to the new account when it is activated. For additional information about this free event, please contact Abby at
National First Responders Day

Today, October 28th is National First Responders Day, a time to honor the courage and commitment of the men and women who serve on the front lines, protecting and supporting our communities.
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, an estimated 4.6 million people serve as career and/or volunteer first responders in the nation. Whether it’s firefighters rushing into burning buildings, police officers maintaining public safety, or paramedics providing life-saving care, these individuals respond in times of crisis for the safety and well-being of others, often putting their own lives at risk.
Illinoisians are encouraged to help celebrate National First Responders Day by taking a moment to thank a first responder, honor their contributions, and show them they are appreciated for the work they do in communities throughout the state.
Deadline Approaching for Wall of Honor Submissions

To pay tribute to veterans and honor their legacies and sacrifices, I am encouraging constituents to submit a photo and story of their loved one who served our nation so it can be displayed in the rotunda of the Illinois Capitol from November 11 to 25 in honor of Veterans Day. The deadline for submissions is November 8.
Families are asked to submit a photo and written story (max: 250 words) along with the following information: name, military branch (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy) and conflict served (Afghanistan, Iraq, September 11, Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea, WWII, WWI, Peacetime, other). Military photos are preferred but not necessary.
Submissions should be emailed to to be included in the Veterans Day Display at the Illinois State Capitol. Submissions can also be mailed to Veterans Day Wall, 110 D Statehouse, Springfield, IL 62706. For questions, please call (217) 782-1154.
Discussions Continue on Public Transit Reforms and Funding

As the ranking Republican on the Senate Transportation Committee, I recently participated in six hearings held throughout the state to discuss the state’s public transit system, its financial challenges, and how service and governance can be improved in the future.
Additionally, last week I attended a Suburban Transit Summit in Arlington Heights that was hosted by the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) in partnership with Metra, Pace, and the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA). We discussed the future of transit service in the suburbs, with areas of focus on interconnectivity, an integrated fare system, and a request for $1.5 billion in additional state funding for public transit.
During my comments, I spoke about the need for continued discussion and negotiation regarding what form the new structure will take in order to maintain legitimate and fair representation from municipalities in the collar counties. These counties provide more than 40% of the revenue that is used to fund the RTA.
Illinois Drivers Reminded to Stay Alert for Deer as Seasons Change
With the changing weather, Illinois motorists are being reminded to be on the lookout for deer, particularly at dawn and dusk, through the end of the year.
According to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), 2023 saw 14,862 crashes involving deer, with 663 of these resulting in injuries and seven leading to fatalities. More than 41 percent of deer-related crashes occurred in the months of October, November, and December, with November posing the greatest risk.
If a driver does hit a deer, IDOT recommends pulling off to the shoulder, turning on hazard lights, and calling 911. Drivers are also reminded not to exit their vehicles. For information on claiming a deer from a crash or reporting possession, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) provides resources on its website.