Senator Donald DeWitte Named Champion of Free Enterprise by Illinois Chamber of Commerce

State Senator Donald DeWitte (R-St. Charles) has been named a Champion of Free Enterprise by the Illinois Chamber of Commerce for strongly defending free enterprise and advocating for the furtherance of economic opportunities for all Illinoisans. DeWitte earned an “A” grade on the scorecard.

“Senator DeWitte has consistently proven himself to be a trusted advocate for the business community, said Illinois Chamber President and CEO Lou Sandoval. “He has consistently pursued policy solutions that will create economic opportunity in his district and throughout the state. Senator DeWitte distinguished himself as a leader in his caucus through his hard work and keen understanding of complex issues, especially on transportation, tax and local government. We are proud to name Senator DeWitte a 103rd General Assembly’s Champion of Free Enterprise and look forward to our continued work together.”

The Illinois Chamber’s staff and Government Affairs Committee rated all members of the 103rd General Assembly based on legislators’ votes on the key business legislation. The Champion of Free Enterprise Award was given to members who demonstrated through their voting record a commitment to legislation that frees the entrepreneurial spirit and supports Illinois’ job creators. The ranking bills in the Senate and House were selected based on their impact on the business community. 

“The General Assembly continues to pile burdensome regulations and taxes on job creators, which stifles economic growth, shrinks our tax base, and grows our debt,” DeWitte said. “Businesses, especially small businesses, are the backbone of our economy in this State, and rather than adding to their burdens, State Government must do more to create an environment where they can grow and thrive.”

Click here to view the list of award winners and a summary of the bills that were used in the ranking process.

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