Senator Don DeWitte Earns 97% Ranking on IMA Legislative Scorecard

State Senator Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles) has been honored with the title of “Champion of Manufacturing” by the Illinois Manufacturing Association (IMA) for his outstanding support of the manufacturing sector. DeWitte earned a score of 97% on the IMA’s 2024 Legislative Report Card, tying for the highest score among the 177 members of the Illinois General Assembly.

IMA Vice President of Government Affairs, Donovan Griffith, praised DeWitte’s commitment, stating, “The Illinois Manufacturing community would like to thank Senator DeWitte for his continued support of our industry and the thousands of women and men on shop floors across our state. We look forward to continuing to work with him to grow jobs, strengthen our economy, and support families.”

The IMA’s award recognizes legislators who consistently advocate for policies that benefit the manufacturing industry. DeWitte’s high score reflects his favorable voting record on key legislation affecting the sector.

In response, Senator DeWitte said, “It is a distinct honor to be recognized for my support of Illinois manufacturers and the workforce that helps these businesses thrive. I have always been a vocal advocate for manufacturers and will continue to push for public policies that support these vital job creators.”

To review the specific bills assessed in the IMA’s 2024 Legislative Report Card, click here.

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