Senate Republicans Discuss IL Democrats’ Record of Disappointments as Democrats from Across the Nation Head to Chicago

As Democratic leaders from across the nation arrive in Chicago in the coming days, they will be greeted by banners proclaiming that “Illinois Democrats Deliver.” On Friday, August 16, State Senator Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles) joined several of his Senate Republican colleagues to outline what Governor JB Pritzker and legislative Democrats have really delivered to Illinois families.

Joining DeWitte at the Friday press conference were Senators Sue Rezin, Jason Plummer, and Terri Bryant. Senator Rezin provided an overview of the growing number of disappointments Democrats have delivered to taxpayers, businesses, and families, and Senator Plummer went into detail on financial issues affecting families. Plummer pointed to the nearly $1 billion in new taxes forced on Illinois businesses and taxpayers this year, the more than 30% increase in state spending that has occurred since Governor Pritzker took office, and Illinois’ ranking of having the third-highest unemployment rate in the nation.

Bryant discussed Pritzker’s prioritization of non-citizens over Illinois citizens in need and actions taken by Pritzker and legislative Democrats that have made Illinois a non-citizen welfare state. She also cited alarming crime statistics on JB Pritzker’s watch, such as a nearly 60% increase in crime in Chicago since 2019 and the doubling of domestic violence deaths last year alone due to the Democrats’ catch and release criminal justice policies.

DeWitte discussed abysmal education proficiency results and the Democrats’ decision to end the Invest in Kids Tax Credit Scholarship program, which provided tuition waivers that allowed low-income students to leave schools that were not meeting their needs and attend a different school. More than 40,000 students received scholarships through the life of the program.

“These scholarships provided generational opportunities to help families with income challenges improve their children’s opportunities for educational success. They provided choices for parents,” said DeWitte. “Next week in Chicago, Governor JB Pritzker will talk at the DNC about how ‘Democrats Deliver.’ They deliver, all right. They deliver abysmal education proficiency statistics and deliver disappointment to families that just want their kids to receive a quality education.”

He continued, “Every legislator in the General Assembly heard from parents of scholarship recipients who were thriving in their new school, and every legislator saw the large groups of students who traveled to Springfield last year to beg for the continuation of the program. Sadly, their pleas fell on the deaf ears of majority party legislators.”

To watch the full press conference:

To watch Senator DeWitte’s remarks:

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