DeWitte Presents Bipartisan Session Review for St. Charles Chamber of Commerce

It was a pleasure last week to join one of my colleagues from across the aisle to give a post-session update to members of the St. Charles Area Chamber of Commerce. It was the second time this summer that Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) and I shared the microphone for an end-of-session update for individuals from our shared communities.
Senator Holmes and I like to explain the 80-10-10 rule, which is that roughly 80% of the legislation brought before the Senate receives unanimous Republican and Democrat support, 10% receives bipartisan support, and only about 10% receive votes that are along party lines. Sadly, it is that last 10% that makes headlines.
As we did earlier this summer at a different event, we also discussed bills we worked on together, bills we disagreed on, and issues we both believe still require more work, like ethics, pension reform, public safety, and support for local government. We did touch on issues where there is disagreement, but when Senator Holmes and I disagree it is always done with respect and an open mind.
More Than 50 Served at Encore IPASS on Demand Event

I cannot thank officials from the Illinois Tollway enough for the excellent service they provided to the 55 constituents who attended my second IPASS on Demand event in St. Charles last week. A large crew from the IL Tollway’s mobile unit came to the St. Charles office I share with State Rep. Dan Ugaste to provide service to constituents who were not able to be helped at my July 10 tollway event and some new customers too.
As the Tollway phases out the plastic transponders in exchange of the new stickers, these local events are very popular. I will be holding another event at the Algonquin Village Hall on September 9 from 4-7 PM.
In the meantime, please mark your calendar for these other upcoming events:

- August 7: Mobile DMV: DeWitte West Dundee Office, 641 S Eighth Street, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- August 19: Traveling Office Hours: Dundee Township Rakow Center, 665 Barrington Ave, Carpentersville, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- August 24: Prescription Drug Drop-Off: West Dundee Police Department, 555 S 8th St, West Dundee, Time TBA
- September 5: Senior Expo: Dundee Township Rakow Center, 665 Barrington Ave, Carpentersville, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- September 9: IPASS on Demand: Algonquin Village Hall, 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
- September 17: Senior Expo: St. Charles Pottawatomie Park (Community Center), 8 North Avenue, St. Charles, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- September 21: Shred Event: 1865 Andrew Blvd, Pingree Grove, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- September 24: I-CASH Unclaimed Property Day: Algonquin Village Hall, 2200 Harnish Drive, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- October 15: Senior Expo: Crystal Lake Park District Grand Oaks Building, 1401 W. Route 176, Crystal Lake, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Please visit the Events Page on my website to learn more about these and other events.
Lawmakers who Opposed “Backroom appointment of Candidates” Prepare to Engage in Backroom Process to Appoint Harris to Presidential Ballot
While I try to embrace bipartisanship as much as I can, I find it very interesting that many of the same majority party lawmakers set to make Vice President Kamala Harris the Democratic nominee for president after President Joe Biden was forced out of the race are the same individuals who recently voted to change state election rules in Illinois to block candidate slating.
This spring, the Democratic supermajority in Springfield passed legislation to prevent candidates from being appointed to the ballot after the primary election, a process similar to that now being used to nominate Harris.
Within 48 hours, Governor Pritzker signed the bill into law, saying “it really does make sure that we don’t have backroom deals to put people on the ballot and run as a result of some small group of people in a smoke-filled room making the choice.”
Critics, including good government groups, condemned the law as a power grab aimed at reducing voter choice because it changed the rules for an election process that was already underway. The Illinois law was found unconstitutional by a Sangamon County Judge, a ruling that has been appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court.
Legislation Aims to Restore Critical Funding for Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Senate Republicans have introduced a bill to reinstate $4 million in critical funding for soil and water conservation districts (SWCD) that had been cut from the budget by Governor Pritzker. These districts work to protect Illinois’ valuable soil and water resources through strategic conservation efforts.
The legislation, Senate Bill 3964, responds to a significant reduction in funding for soil and water conservation districts in Pritzker’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget. It addresses this challenge by reallocating funds through the Partners for Conservation Fund, highlighting the indispensable role of SWCDs in environmental stewardship. This crucial legislation aims to ensure these essential districts can continue their vital work in environmental protection and sustainable resource management.
FBI Warning Illinois Residents about the Danger of ‘Jugging’
As crime rates have increased in recent years, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is alerting Illinois residents about a significant rise in a specific type of robbery known as “jugging.” This tactic involves criminals following and attacking individuals after they withdraw cash from ATMs.
The FBI has issued a warning about the alarming uptick in these incidents, emphasizing the need for heightened awareness and vigilance. To safeguard yourself from these attacks, the FBI recommends being mindful of vehicles near ATMs, regularly monitoring your surroundings for suspicious activity, avoiding distractions while using the ATM, and keeping your money out of sight.
Given the rise in “jugging” incidents in Illinois, it is crucial to stay vigilant and cautious to protect yourself.
$18 Million Announced for Illinois Works Pre-Apprenticeship Program
$18 million in new funding has been allocated for the Illinois Works Pre-Apprenticeship Program.
The Illinois Works Pre-Apprenticeship Program, which began in 2021, aims to prepare participants for registered apprenticeship programs. This round of funding will prioritize grants in regions lacking pre-apprenticeship programs and target underserved groups, including people of color, veterans, and women.
Approximately 35 new programs are expected to be funded, benefiting over 1,400 residents statewide.
More information can be found at
DCEO Launches $42 Million Regional Site Readiness Program to Boost Industrial Development
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) has allocated $42 million to launch the Regional Site Readiness Program.
This endeavor aims to enhance the readiness of potential industrial sites across Illinois, bolstering the state’s capacity to attract investments and create new job opportunities. This funding comes from the 2019 Rebuild Illinois program. Planning grants up to $150,000 and Capital Ready grants up to $3 million are available, with applications open until October 21, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
For more information on applying and to view the Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs), please visit the DCEO website. Assistance with applications can be obtained by contacting