Senator DeWitte Denounces Violence Aimed at Former President

“Has our hyper-partisan political climate deteriorated to the point where some think it’s heroic to take the life of any individual with whom they disagree; with an individual who is exercising their constitutional right to run for office or to support a candidate of their choice? Whether you support Donald Trump or not, there is absolutely no place in our political landscape for violence against any political figure. Period.

“It is beyond time for everyone to tone down the rhetoric. Suggesting putting a “bullseye” on the back of any political candidate is reckless, uncalled for, and reprehensible given the current political climate. Let’s see how quickly the U.S. Atty General’s office jumps to protect the rights of a political candidate who is shot at while exercising his right to run for office while his opponent suggests putting a “bullseye” on him would be a good idea.”

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