

Senator DeWitte Rejects Democrats’ FY 2025 Spending Plan

On May 26, Senate Democrats pushed through a Fiscal Year 2025 budget that includes record spending and nearly $1 billion in tax hikes. In response to the Senate’s passage of the budget, State Senator Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles), who voted against it, released the following statement:

“Every revenue agency that advises Governor Pritzker has forecasted a decline in revenues for Fiscal Year 2025. However, the budget brought forward by the Governor and statehouse Democrats fails to address this challenge, maintaining the status quo of uncontrolled spending. Instead of offering desperately needed tax relief, the budget imposes nearly $1 billion in new tax hikes, treating Illinois taxpayers like the Governor’s personal ATM machine. Astonishingly, spending has increased $12.8 billion since Governor Pritzker took office.

“Families are already struggling to make ends meet, and this budget only adds to their burden. We owe it to the people of Illinois to deliver a budget that truly reflects their needs, honors their hard work, and upholds the highest standards of fiscal responsibility. This budget is a significant disappointment and is a missed opportunity for real reform.”

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