DeWitte reacts to State of the State Address

Disappointed in lack of property tax solutions, expresses need for ethics reform

Following the State of the State Address, State Senator Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles) said there is a lot of work ahead of the General Assembly this legislative session, pointing out the need to enact property tax reforms, end government corruption, and get the state’s spending under control.

“Property taxes always seem to be a main issue that is touted, but yet again there is a lack of specific proposals that would actually lower homeowners’ property tax bills,” said Sen. DeWitte. “As a member of the Property Tax Reform Task Force this past year, it was my hope that we would come out of that with a real opportunity to lessen the burden on Illinoisans. Instead, the task force ended their meetings without a roadmap to relief and no real solutions were presented today, leaving the General Assembly without direction.”

Sen. DeWitte also expressed his concerns over the recent government corruption allegations and indictments and the need to limit government spending.

“The public should be outraged by the recent headlines involving misconduct from state lawmakers,” said Sen. DeWitte. “It’s time to enact real ethics reforms and it is my hope that the Governor is serious about cracking down on government corruption.

“As we enter a new legislative session, we have a fresh opportunity to change the status quo. Instead of continuing to find new revenue streams that increase the tax burden on hardworking residents, we need to find ways to limit the out-of-control spending. Only then will Illinois be able to get on a path toward prosperity.”

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